Introducing an exciting new crime fighting duo... 

Sock Sloth and Rick the Panda are the proud owners of the Super Awesome Dudes Crime Fighting Agency or SAD for short. But their investigating skills are about to be tested to the limit by the theft of the Lunar Blades, two ancient, all-powerful katanas, which protect the city of Aridonia and beyond. In the wrong hands, they can wreak havoc and lead to a global disaster. Can Sock Sloth and Rick the Panda come to the rescue and prevent the collapse of the world as they know it? 

Get ready for an incredible adventure centred around an ancient myth, ferocious battle and some of the most loveable characters on the planet - a sloth and a panda. This epic series will leave you wanting more, all from the imagination of a nine-year-old. 

Sock Sloth and the Lunar Blades by J W B Rowley launching on Monday 8th July 2024


J W B Rowley is nine.

Alongside writing stories, he loves to build worlds on Minecraft, is an aspiring actor, keen swimmer and cricketer.

Sock Sloth and the Lunar Blades is his debut chapter book.

With a love for all things panda and sloth related, he was inspired to come up with this story during a visit to Edinburgh Zoo, after seeing the pandas before they returned to China. During that same visit he spent time in the inside enclosure with the sloths.

The origin of Sock Sloth

When he discovered a pair of red and white stripy socks he’d worn as a baby, he knew just the toy who should be wearing them - one of his favourites - called Sloth. This is how Sock Sloth was born.

The creation of the Super Awesome Dudes Crime Fighting Agency was then created during a trip to Pizza Express in Edinburgh.

J hopes that you enjoy reading his story and he’d like you to know he’s already busy writing the second book in the series, which we hope will be published soon.

Is your child an aspiring author?

If you think they have want it takes to be professionally published we’d love to hear from you.

We’re currently open for submissions so please get in touch at:

What we need is the following:

The first 500 words and a short outline of the story sent via a word document attached to an email.

Please note that we reserve the right not to accept every manuscript but we promise we’ll respond to each application whether it’s successful or otherwise.

We can’t wait to hear from you!