

Is your child a budding author who would love to see their story come to life through the pages of a professionally published book? If so, read on…

Rainbow House Publishing is looking for our next child author.

To enter this amazing competition to win a fully published book worth £3,000 all we need is:

  • The first 500 words of the story AND a story arc so we can see where the story is going - sent to us as a word document detailing the name of the child, their age and where in the world they are from.

  • All stories MUST be written by a child aged 7-12 for other children to enjoy.

  • Only one entry per child.

Our competition closes on Saturday 31st August 2024 at 5pm.

No entries received after this time will be accepted. The Rainbow House team reserve the right to choose the winning child.

To enter email: and mark STORY CONTEST in the subject line.

Good luck! The Rainbow House Publishing team



We’re Rainbow House Publishing - and our mission is to create self-belief in children one book at a time.

You see, we do things differently.


We publish epic stories written by kids for kids (aged 7-12).

So those stories that are bursting to get out on the page through all that imagination?

Yep - we help those come to life.

And as an independent publisher, we guide you as the parent, guardian, carer or teacher, every step of the way, alongside your child.

Until they can say, ‘I’m a published author!’

Because that’s when the magic truly happens as they see their book for sale for the first time and realise that anything is possible.


And the word impossible transforms into I’m Possible!


Yes, we do all the bits behind the scenes - like editing the chapters, providing the illustrations, formatting the book and uploading it so it goes out into the world. And if you would like us to, we’ll even help you market it through harnessing the Power of PR, so your child sells even more copies.

And the best bit?

You get to keep any royalties earned through sales for your child, as a nest egg that can grow until they’re ready to have it themselves.


But as we all know - this is an investment in their self-belief and confidence that begins with a book but has a lasting impact way beyond each of those chapters.

This is why we do what we do.

And we’re really happy that you’re here with us on this journey.

Check out the book by our first author J W B Rowley (aged 9) - and if you’d like to explore this opportunity for your child - and see if their story is suitable to be published get in touch using the button below.

We’d love to hear from you and the red phone is never far away.